Sunday, May 8, 2011


I haven't exactly been honest with everyone. Remember that time I said I was flying back to the U.S. on May 1st, spending time around NYC for 2 weeks and finally coming home "home" to Oregon on May 15th? Well as the true story goes, I actually came back to the U.S. on April 21st - spent two weeks around Hartford, Connecticut and NYC - then made my final flight to Seattle on May 1st - eventually taking the train down to Oregon on May 3rd. I arrived home approximately two weeks earlier than expected in order to surprise my family and friends. Very few people knew of this plan and it was actually very difficult for me to keep it a secret. This plan had been in the making since the beginning of December (2010). With something I was so excited about, there were numerous times I wanted to tell some people - especially friends in other areas outside of Oregon, where no "surprise" was really possible. But, I largely resisted the urge, ultimately deciding that the more people that knew, the greater chance of something leaking back towards my family.

Brooklyn Bridge
So, here we are, officially at the end of my trip. The World tour is over. I suppose I should write a brief summary of what I did the last two weeks while I was supposedly in Wales and London for the Royal Wedding. Haha, actually one of the first things both of my sisters and mother said to me was "what?! You mean you weren't actually at the Royal Wedding?!" For a second there it almost seemed as if coming home early was a bad idea. Instead of doing these things, I got to spend about 5 days in Hartford, Connecticut with a friend, and another 5 days or so in NYC. While in Hartford, I began my road to recovery,or the road of adjusting to life back in the U.S. In keeping with the theme of being entirely honest, I still don't know if I'm entirely adjusted, and I don't know if I ever will be. I've had a decent amount of experience with culture shock before (was in exchange during High School, studied abroad for a semester in college), but this time around feels noticeably different. I'm happy to be home and I'm happy to see my family and friends, and lord knows I love shaving with shaving cream - but at the moment I would have to say things are still a little surreal. I haven't been home for more than a week yet, so let's give it a little more time to see how things develop. I should comment though, while waiting for my friend to pick me up at JFK airport when I first got to the U.S. on April 21st, I am man enough to admit that I cried a little bit. I couldn't tell you exactly why other than the reality of my trip finally coming to end hit me right in the gut. It was weird because I didn't expect to feel that way at all. I was happy to be back, but I already felt worlds away from the places I had been to. Even now, I find myself having flashbacks to so many parts of my trip - from the simplest event of walking in the rain in Jordan to get some lunch, to the pains of getting a root canal in Vietnam - they seem to come and go like faint whispers, and at the moment I seem to have no control over them. It's sad in a way because during these self-proclaimed "flashbacks" I'm transporting myself out of the present, not really living or fully participating in either place. The phrase "neither here nor there" just took on a whole new meaning for me. As sad or reminiscent as I am about the trip and adventure being over, I am happy to be back. The trick is to finding the new adventures here, rediscovering my own home, and finding the balance of never forgetting what I experienced (hopefully teach others about it if possible) but also making sure to not hold on too tightly. This will more than likely be a balance I will gain with time. A wise friend reminded me that no place is perfect and that where I am doesn't constrain my life. I have a wealth of experiences and memories to draw from and being content with where I am is something I did everywhere I went. Haha, so why is it more difficult now in the place I supposedly know best?! Like I said, I'll have to give this time.

Besides trying to put a finishing touch on this blog I also wanted to make three specific points.

1. This will not be my final posting. I intend to do one more final blog with a bunch of random statistics - how many photos I took in each country, how many times I got sick, how many miles I travelled, etc., etc. So, don't give up entirely on this blog because I'm hoping to post some rather random and what I believe to be interesting statistics.

2. Thank you readers for following me, and thank you for your comments. I don't know how many of you actually followed me, but word on the street is that this went out to quite a few more than I anticipated. I can only be certain of people who made comments. No, I'm not bashing you that didn't! I just don't know how many of you lurked in the shadows. Either way, if you followed along I hope you found some sort of enlightenment or entertainment - and at best, didn't consider it a complete waste of your time. If any of you have any questions regarding any part of my travels, about what I wrote, anything at all, please don't hesitate to let me know. I am eager to share my experiences. Also, any feedback - be it positive or critical is also most welcome (as long as the critical part is constructive : ) I would love to hear from you.

3. Speedo Calendar is complete!  The final cut for each month may change slightly (haven't made a final decision yet), but if you are interested in one, PLEASE let me know.  I have quite a few to make as gifts to people I met while travelling, but I honestly can't know who's genuinely interesting in having one so you'll have to let me know.  Don't worry, I won't be offended if you aren't. ; )

But has he gone ice-fishing?
 If I get can get my rear into gear, my summary post should be up within a week. I loko forward to seeing/talking to a lot of you sometime soon.  All the best.


  1. lurrrrking. gimme a calendar!

  2. I loved the's wonderful having you home and we're truly enjoying your pictures along with your personal stories!
