Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New Zealand

Greetings Earthlings!

Thought I would take a quick moment to update everyone on my current where abouts and provide a slight explanation as to why I update so infrequently.  I'm currently in Picton, NZ.  I just crossed Cook Straight from Wellington last night.  My friend and I have been travelling around New Zealand for a little over a week and have been very fortunate (weather wise) to see some pretty cool things.  The reason I'm so bad at updating everyone and keeping in touch is because of our living conditions.  We live out of a van.  Renting a camper van makes you realize what simple amenities you take fro granted when you have a house/hotel/base to work from.  I've been humbled by a number of different things now that I'm living the backpacker style of life.  Example #1:  Shower.  Where do you shower when you don't want to rent a room?  Well, ask the local gym of course!  It's a little odd walking into a workout gym and asking them, "how much is it to use the showers?"  Who comes to simply use the showers?  We do.  It even gets a little weirder when you proceed to ask, "I have some water large water containers, do you guys have a hose or spicket where I can fill them up?"  Haha, all part of the experience I suppose.  And then there's the issue of bathrooms.  Of course finding a bathroom is not difficult.  Stop at any McDonald's, food place, even the occasional public bathroom.  Despite the numerous places you can go, you feel a little awkward walking into a place and using the bathroom with no intention of being a customer.  You might feel even a little worse if you know you are going to destroy the toilet.  Gross I know, but that's the reality of life, especially if you've been savy with your money and food, living off of discount crackers and PB and J.  Haha, no mother I have not been starving myself - just occasionally we pinch pennies to splurge on some of the finer, local foods.  In the past week I've visited a couple of different cities.  Probably the best experience so far though in NZ has been our 2 day hike around Tongariro National Park.  It about kicked my butt, but I made.  Jordan made me look like a weakling.  The morning of our 2nd day, the sky cleared up and the sun came out.  We got an amazing view of the Mts.  It was quite breathtaking.  I'd post some pictures but I'm using the Internet for free at a public library and I left the pictures in the van.  Can't give up my computer, there are hyenas surrounding the area waiting for someone to get up.  My time is pretty much up though and I should probably get going.  Hopefully I can find more time to write in the following week or two.  I make no promises.  : )


  1. Thanks for the bathroom update.


  2. i know several classy, intelligent, traveling women who have opted to relieve their bowels on the floor of the bathroom because the squatter itself was so disgusting. so, have no fear, you are in fine ranks.

  3. I am so glad it's you and not me! :)

  4. Have you crossed "try kangaroo tail" off your list yet?

  5. Take a pic of a tuatara for me.

  6. Oh Jeff I am glad you are experiencing the vagabond lifestyle.. What would I give up to go back to living in a tent for a few months, esp in NZ.. did'nt have the same probs you are having with the whole shower/bathroom thing.. We were lucky enough to have national forest and cold trout streams to bathe in, but I know how you feel. It is awkward to walk into a place to use their facilities when you have absolutely no intention of purchasing something.

    You will get use to it. I am glad to hear you are having a great time. Still in Vancouver searching for work. Leaving soon for CR and will be back in TX in August. Take care and make sure you take some time to have some international food. Don't starve Jeff!

  7. If there's a Wal*Mart you're set!!! Miss you!!!!

  8. I hear kiwi gyms are the best.
